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D. E. Hermann

Born in Providence, RI, and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Denise renounced her dual citizenship at age thirteen to become an U.S. citizen.
While in California at university five years later, she studied Art History and Biology, and has been involved in the arts since. While she enjoys working in various media, her main focus are on her favorites: clay and writing.
"To me, writing is verbal clay. I love language and, just like when my hands craft a beautiful piece in clay, the same joy is there when I compose a well written passage on the page. Both potter and writer use the same three basic ingredients: heart, hand, and creative spirit."

D. E. Hermann, author

Ceramic artist and writer, D. E.  Hermann lives in Shepherdstown, WV.  She works in a refurbished four stall barn behind her home and shares her life with her husband of 40 years, three dogs, three cats, a hedgehog, and a flock of hens.

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All artwork and images are protected under Copyright and are the sole property of Denise Kupiszewski .  All rights reserved. Any reproduction of any kind must have written consent by the Author of the work .©2012- 2024 by Denise Kupiszewski for D. E. Hermann. Created with

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